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ECR Pallet

Efficient & Competitive Supply For Warehouse Storage and Distribution

LHT ECR Pallet Rental Scheme

LHT developed the ECR (Efficient Consumer Response) pallet to provide solutions for manufacturers, logistics & warehouse providers to help increase cost efficiency and productivity. Our ECR pallets are in line with the recommendations of Logistics Enhancement and Application Programme (LEAP), and have been endorsed by the ECR Singapore Council and the ECR Asia Council Board to be the ECR Standard Pallet for Asia.

A pallet rental scheme can mean better dock utilization for users which can vastly improve their turnaround time. In addition, standardisation simplifies business process, enhances business practices and creates greater efficiencies and better effectiveness.

We offer a range of pallets perfectly designed to meet the needs of FMCG manufacturers, logistics and warehouse providers.

Size : 1200 x 1000mm (4′ x 3′), 1200 x 1200mm (4′ x 4′), 1500 x 1200mm (5′ x 4′) &
1800 x 1200mm (6′ x 4′)

* Remark: Other sizes also available upon request, terms and conditions apply.

For more details, please visit : www.ecrpallet.com

Key Benefits of Pallet Rental

• Minimized pallet wastage
• Reduced warehouse storage costs
• Reduce capital investments
• Exchangeable and shared assets
• Reduce inventory
• No cross border hassles
• No cost on damage pallets send for repair *
• Optional – RFID enabled ready for future supply chain

   * Except pallet “Beyond Economical Repair (BER)”


Our Choices

Pallet Rental | Best Pallet Rental Service | Lian Hup Packaging

ECR Pallet 4' x 3' 

ECR Pallet Rental | Pallet Distribution Solutions | Lian Hup Packaging

ECR Pallet 4' x 4' / 5' x 4'

ECR Pallet 6' x 4'